Amanda Quaid

“We need to wake op to the fact that nature is not something “outside over there” to be exploited for our myth of endless material progress. Nature is us - the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat. We’re completely interdependent with our environment. I think if we really lived that truth, climate destruction would become impossible”.

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Annie Potts

“It’s hard to see all the beautiful landscape in California burning and realize some people still don’t believe climate change is real. We must act now before our planet is destroyed.”

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Jamie Harrold

“My sister was bitten by a tick a couple years ago, that has moved north as the United States gets warmer. After developing Alpha-Gal Syndrome from the tick bite , she has gone to the emergency room 10 times in the past year, and has to carry 2 EPI pens, because one EPI pen often isn’t enough to save her.”

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Griffin Dunne

“Truth and facts are under constant attack. The destruction of our planet is the last thing I would like to be proved right about. We must stop the overturning of laws meant to protect our environment by special interests driven by greed and short term profit at the expense of future generations”

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Lori Singer

“With world unity, kindness and clarity of vision we can protect Mother Earth.-We must strive to overcome our accelerated descent “backwards” into hatred and tribalism and forge a modern path to unity and a civilized humanity.”

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Kelli Williams

“We have to stop this dysfunctional relationship with our planet. She nurtures us and we take advantage of her. It has to stop. We need to build trust and take good care of her so that we can have a future together.”

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Reg Rogers

“We are not helpless. We have to take responsibility, painstaking responsibility, for what and how we consume. The way we used to live is over. We gotta wake up. I owe this to my son. We owe it to each other, and to the earth.”

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Victor Slezak

“A global pandemic. Uncontrollable wildfires. 100 degree Arctic temperatures. Historic flooding. Daily wildlife extinctions. This is our reality. A day without action is a day closer to irreversible devastation.”

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Mary Stuart Masterson

"Like most parents, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future.  We want our 4 kids to understand that everything we do to has an impact on the environment, and that we have to start with ourselves and change what we can to create a sustainable future for the planet, so that, when we are gone, they won't curse our names too much.   This pandemic should serve a s a global wake up call: We are all one species.  We are all vulnerable to a tiny virus, we are all likewise vulnerable to the ravages of climate change.  We remain hopeful, because good people like you are willing to advocate for positive change right now. “ 

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Lorenzo Pisoni

“The time to address climate change is today. (It was actually yesterday but here we are.) The steps individuals can take towards being part of the solution are utterly doable; the steps corporations can take towards a solution are imperative. Not only do we owe a healthy planet to our children, we owe it to the memory of those that have come before us.”

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Kathryn Erbe

“The facts are hard to face but we cannot delay facing them and taking action. People of color are disproportionately effected by climate change because of the effects of systemic racism. So if you believe BLACK LIVES MATTER add CLIMATE ADVOCACY to your list of TRUTHS TO FACE AND TAKE ACTION ON.”

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Adam Arkin

“There’s no better description of my feelings on the topic than this quote: “We have lived our lives by the assumption that what was good for us would be good for the world. We must change our lives so that it will be possible to live by the contrary assumption, that what is good for the world will be good for us. And that requires that we make the effort to know the world and learn what is good for it.”” - Wendell Berry

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Jennifer Ferrin

My greatest role to date was becoming a mother to my tiny son River, who was named with our love of nature in mind. That role magnified a particular awareness on a global scale. How we all affect our planet, our communities, our neighbors. How we all have the individual responsibility to do everything we can to help each other, care for each other, care for Mother Earth. It’s not too late. But action is the only choice left. No more excuses, no more tears, no more debate, no more questions. Action! One small choice every day can lead to the biggest change and every single choice matters. ACT NOW.

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