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Become an agent of change: we empower our members by providing actors with avenues to take action and encouraging empathetic conversations around the climate crisis with diverse audiences.
“Taking action to address our climate emergency isn't a luxury. It isn't something we can wait to get around to when we have the time. Most of us are doing something to reduce our carbon footprint, but all of us have to do much more to demand that our governments, corporations, workplaces, and cultures stop killing us. A warming climate impacts the poor and people of color most. As we address systemic racial injustice, we must embed that within an overall approach toward eliminating our unsustainable societal habits and establishing healing practices for our entire ecology.”
“I met a Native American from the Shoshone’s of the northwest and he said to me:"Why would we want to fill the clouds with gasoline and poison our waters? Why would we want to fill the air with smoke? Why do we wish to destroy ourselves? Why would we place scars on the face of the great mother the earth? I replied: “To make money.” He replied, “There will be no place to spend it."
“I'm in LA. It's 108 degrees. I'll say that again, it's 108 degrees. That's cooler than last month. At the weekend it will be back at an average 110 degrees. The temperatures this summer have been the hottest on record. There have been more fires than on record, with people evacuating their homes, or watching them burn, in a new state of emergency. The week before there was a tropical storm that hit US shores with storm surges that also broke records. The week before that, a tornadeo in New York broke all records. All over the world, heatwaves, droughts, typhoons, and hurricanes are causing mass destruction around the world. Distasters like this have always been part of the world we know, but they are becoming more frequent and more intense. These changes in the climate... are well.... climate change. There's nothing not to believe.”
“The earth is burning, this we know.
The world is turning, turning slow,
Please ask yourself, what seeds you sow.
What seeds you sow… for tomorrow.”
From Sad Song by Ylfa Edelstein
“My main concern with global warming is rising sea levels and it’s impact on coastal cities, particularly the loss of New Orleans, where I was born, and the loss of the Louisiana coastal marsh land which is disappearing rapidly.”
“We don’t have to save the planet. That’s bullshit. She could shake us off at any time. Who are we to her? At best, we are merely stewards on borrowed time. We owe it to each other to hold our place with her, and be worthy of our time.”
“We’re on loan here. We need to leave it better than we found it, not with barely anything left.”
"Climate positive solutions require each and every one of us. We must demand real action from our leaders, from big polluters, and from ourselves in our own homes. We must educate ourselves and others on the causes and consequences of the Climate Crisis and on the actionable solutions that have the potential to actually reverse climate change if we ACT NOW. We must challenge ourselves to take #smallgreensteps and be a bit "greener” today than we were yesterday. The pandemic has shown us that sweeping change is possible when we band together and collectively take action. Let’s do it for our planet, ourselves and for the future of our children!"
“Become teachable. Act as if your life depended on it. Choose a sector: land use, the oceans, health & education, transportation, electricity...they are all connected. Gather information, evidence. Turn that into knowledge. Transform that knowledge into ACTION. Then we have a chance to make the planet liveable for ALL people after we have departed.”
“Climate justice isn’t just about fixing the climate crisis - it’s about re-examing how we treat the earth, how we treat each other, and how treat ourselves.”
"Like most parents, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future. We want our 4 kids to understand that everything we do to has an impact on the environment, and that we have to start with ourselves and change what we can to create a sustainable future for the planet, so that, when we are gone, they won't curse our names too much. This pandemic should serve a s a global wake up call: We are all one species. We are all vulnerable to a tiny virus, we are all likewise vulnerable to the ravages of climate change. We remain hopeful, because good people like you are willing to advocate for positive change right now. “
“The facts are hard to face but we cannot delay facing them and taking action. People of color are disproportionately effected by climate change because of the effects of systemic racism. So if you believe BLACK LIVES MATTER add CLIMATE ADVOCACY to your list of TRUTHS TO FACE AND TAKE ACTION ON.”
“Ignoring climate change always reminds me of the person who saws off the bough on which he sits.”
“69 degrees in Antarctica?! One of the most heartbreaking events of the new decade. Has it become completely beyond our control?”
“Climate change intersects with issues of gender equality. Women especially should be educating themselves about the climate crisis because of its disproportionate impact on women around the world. Together we can all work to transform systems by educating ourselves about the climate crisis and calling others to action. Devote yourselves to saving this beautiful planet, and improving the lives of all that inhabit it.”
“I refuse to try to persuade anyone that climate change is real. I refuse because in so doing I am giving credence and power to the wave of, “what do they know”, “it just snowed so how can there be global warming”, “I’m tired of having to listen to scientists and experts” - anti-intellectual arrogance and ignorance that has gained more prominence the worse our planet’s health has become. I refuse to engage with people who only function in terms of money and their own, privileged status quo. But I do, so hugely, exhort you to become more active and find out what you can to do to help. We can do so much better and all is not lost. “
“Act now! There is still time to do all that we can do to stop climate change. ACT NOW”!
The web of life is rapidly being destroyed due to climate change. For our own survival, and that of countless other plant and animal species, we must act now!
“I went to Greenland in 2013 and on an excursion to EQI, we watched the extraordinary glacier calve every thirty minutes. It was terrifying. Next to me, on the boat, there was a guy saying that there was no such thing as global warming, and yet it was happening in front of his eyes. That was more terrifying, We must protect our planet and be mindful every single day about how we can help.”
“Our planet is a gift and it’s the only one we’ve got. But, it is an incredibly fragile and beautiful place. As a new father I want more then ever to pass this gift on to my daughter. We owe it to future generations to do everything we can to ensure this planet is still a place worth passing to them. Change is scary, but humans have an amazing capacity for it. Human innovation and fortitude can help us protect this planet and keep it the priceless gift it is for generations to come. “
The best time to do something about the climate crisis was 20 years ago, the second best time is NOW. I have seen the water levels raise on the bay where I grew up in New Jersey, just in the last 20 years. I am dedicated to being part of the solution, for this home we all share. We can do great things to revitalize our planet, if we all work together.
The wolf isn’t in the area, or at the door, it’s in the house. We have to take climate action now.
When I began to let in the devastating reality of human induced Climate change, I found myself mourning for the future. It’s heavy… But this enormous weight of grief is simultaneously opening me up to a deep love of life as well as the extreme emergency of this moment. We have no idea if we are going to make it out of this crisis, but I have enormous faith in our human potential to respond and take action for the sake of all life on earth.
“It’s Inarguable. Earth does not depend on us to survive. But our very survival as a species depends on the survival of Planet Earth”.