Morena Baccarin

“My homeland of Brazil boasts not only an incredible culture but the responsibility of housing the majority of the “lungs of the earth”. It’s devastating to see how quickly the Amazon Rainforest is being destroyed. At this rate by 2030 more than a quarter of the Amazon biome will be without trees. Why is that so devastating? Here are four out of many reasons:

1. Nearly half of the worlds animal species live there and would be destroyed. 

2. Many of the drugs we use today to treat diseases like Glaucoma, Leukemia, heart disease among many others come from plants in the Amazon. 70% of them help fight cancer. 

3. Our air quality will drop significantly. Right now the rainforest stores carbon dioxide and recycles it into oxygen we can breathe. 

4. 30 million indigenous people take shelter there and would be displaced.”