Joanna Pickering

“I'm in LA. It's 108 degrees. I'll say that again, it's 108 degrees. That's cooler than last month. At the weekend it will be back at an average 110 degrees. The temperatures this summer have been the hottest on record. There have been more fires than on record, with people evacuating their homes, or watching them burn, in a new state of emergency. The week before there was a tropical storm that hit US shores with storm surges that also broke records. The week before that, a tornadeo in New York broke all records. All over the world, heatwaves, droughts, typhoons, and hurricanes are causing mass destruction around the world. Distasters like this have always been part of the world we know, but they are becoming more frequent and more intense. These changes in the climate... are well.... climate change. There's nothing not to believe.”