Empowering ACTORS TO create understanding ABOUT THE CLIMATE CRISIS AND BE the catalysts OF necessary change.

Our Beginning
In early 2019, Tim Guinee gave a small presentation about the Climate Crisis to a group of actors, writers, and directors in his manager’s apartment.
After, Jane Alexander approached Tim with an imperative, “We need an organization specifically for actors. We need to help them get engaged and educated.”
We believe actors are uniquely positioned to create understanding around climate change and spur action. The Climate Actors gives them support to be effective.
“As the current pandemic has made crystal clear; we are all connected as citizens of the earth to an unprecedented degree. The climate crisis is another example of the fact that if we don’t cooperate globally we are all doomed to suffer.”
“Artists are the gatekeepers of the truth” (Paul Robeson)
“As cultural workers we cannot/must not abdicate our responsibility as citizens. We cannot be silent. Climate change and global warming are critical issues to the future of our survival!”
“To deny climate change is to deny our children’s future. It’s as simple as that. Act Now!”
“To deny climate change now in the face of such clear evidence is the epitome of self destruction.”
“I refuse to try to persuade anyone that climate change is real. I refuse because in so doing I am giving credence and power to the wave of, “what do they know”, “it just snowed so how can there be global warming”, “I’m tired of having to listen to scientists and experts” - anti-intellectual arrogance and ignorance that has gained more prominence the worse our planet’s health has become. I refuse to engage with people who only function in terms of money and their own, privileged status quo. But I do, so hugely, exhort you to become more active and find out what you can to do to help. We can do so much better and all is not lost. “
“The economic consequences of ignoring the climate crisis are staggering. Economic losses from extreme weather totaled $653 billion over the past two years alone. Will solving the crisis be easy? No, but things that are worth doing rarely are. In the long run, doing the hard work of solving the climate challenge, is the only option that makes any sense.”
“Instead of using this time to educate us on how to heal and rebalance the earth, our government has continued rolling back much needed protection for the environment. Without these laws in place we will continue to struggle with the devastating reality that we face as a global community.”
“I miss taking out my thick sweaters and wool blazers in September. I miss seeing intrepid New Yorkers on cross country skis in SoHo in January. I leave New York every summer to avoid the dripping humidity. But what if there’s no escape and much of the earth feels like a Mississippi summer? Think we’ll get through by the skin of our teeth? We are the only deus ex machine in sight.”
“Mother Earth is angry. We have destroyed her beautiful balance. We have deadly wildfires year round, catastrophic hurricanes that have decimated communities and habitats. Countless species are lost forever with thousands more threatened every day. And we still don’t have clean water in the wealthiest country in the world. We must STOP our selfish abuse of our home. With education, compassion, and unity, we can (and must) make sweeping, systematic change, so there is a future”.
“We are guests of Mother Nature. And, as guests, we should act appropriately and take care of her, because she takes care of us. And if we don’t… she will take care of us. So, let’s do the right thing.”
“Act now! There is still time to do all that we can do to stop climate change. ACT NOW”!
“Climate change is such a grave and comprehensive threat that it can seem overwhelming; difficult to know how to begin confronting and correcting it. As with so many challenges, education and community are essential resources. If we face the problem together, learn about how it works and how to mitigate its danger, we are emboldened to make real, lasting, and positive reforms”.
“The brilliant blue skies we have been waking up to in Los Angeles during this horrible pandemic have shown us that when given the time and space, our planet can come back to life. We need to make sure we don’t forget the important lessons we have learned during this time, especially when it comes to the environment! Change is possible! We’ve seen it with our own eyes!”
“I think Alanis Obomsawin said it best “ When the last tree is cut, the last fish is caught, and the last river is polluted; when to breathe the air is sickening, you will realize, too late, that wealth is not in bank accounts and that you can’t eat money”.
“It’s on each of us to learn that reproductive justice, racial justice, and environmental justice are all inextricably linked. By understanding their interconnectedness, we become more effective advocates for each other, and the Earth.”
The web of life is rapidly being destroyed due to climate change. For our own survival, and that of countless other plant and animal species, we must act now!
I want to have a full life on this planet. I also want to, in ten years or in the near future, feel it is safe to bring a child into this world without it feeling like I am setting them up to be doomed by global warming. The answer to whether or not I can do this lies in how we deal with the climate crisis right now and moving forward. I want to be a part of this movement to help make life on earth possible for myself and for future generations.
“The earth is our home, and it is our only home. We have no other options, and we should look upon our forests as we do our own warm beds and cozy corners. We have to protect her and care for her, in the same way that the earth does for us. If we remember that the wild meadows, the mountain peaks, and the gentle waves are just as much a part of us as our own bodies are, we can make a significant shift toward more sustainable thinking.”
“My homeland, Iran, is facing an environmental crisis. The Islamic Republic’s incompetence and mismanagement of natural resources have exacerbated climate change. Iran is now a water bankrupt country. Rivers are dying, aquifers are depleting, the soil is eroded, grasslands are deserted and forests are burning. Additionally, the judiciary and Revolutionary Guards have essentially made peaceful wildlife conservation a crime. Eight conservationists are currently serving lengthy prison terms simply for doing their jobs. Environmental injustice anywhere is a threat to us all. Which makes it more crucial than ever to establish coordinated efforts to combat the global climate crisis.”
“Clean water/clean air/ electric cars/solar power - a healthy planet. It can be done.”
“The environmental crisis is the existential threat of our time. If not addressed with bold, and admittedly difficult action now, we may pass a threshold from which, once crossed, we may never return.”
“We ought to trust science and science tells us that we need to act now.”
Photo - Stefania Rosini
Here is a quote attributed to a member of the Cree Nation, which I learned from Joseph Campbell. It always stuck with me - we seem to be daily turning it into a scarily accurate prediction: “When the last tree is cut down, the last river poisoned, the last fish caught, then only will the white man discover that he cannot eat money”.
“It’s gob smacking how many soulful, generous, and decent human beings are ignorant enough to have no idea what their investment dollars are doing to destroy the environment. Wake up!”
Sixty nine degrees in Antarctica?! One of the most heartbreaking events of the new decade. Has it become completely beyond our control now?
Climate change is the greatest challenge of our lives, but together we can meet it and create a better world for all.
The best time to do something about the climate crisis was 20 years ago, the second best time is NOW. I have seen the water levels raise on the bay where I grew up in New Jersey, just in the last 20 years. I am dedicated to being part of the solution, for this home we all share. We can do great things to revitalize our planet, if we all work together.
“The mistake is to think we are destroying the earth. The earth will survive. We are destroying ourselves.”
The worst effects of the climate crisis are not inevitable.
We have the solutions at hand but we must act quickly.
Actors have the ability to bring their hearts fully into any discussion. This has the potential to bring deep humanity into the global warming discussion.

Our society today is increasingly polarized.
One of the real problems and failures of the environmental community is that environmentalists tend to speak within the “green bubble”, speaking only to other environmentalists.
Actors can change this.
Because empathy is a requisite part of acting, the acting community may well be able to talk and listen to underserved and oppositional audiences, thereby increasing popular support for the solutions required to address the crisis.
Our Mission
We educate the acting community:
Giving actors climate crisis facts and tools to speak with authority on the subject.
Sharing what is being done in the artistic community to confront the crisis.
Amplifying the unique skills actors possess to advance solutions.
We empower actors to take action:
Inspiring actors to become agents of change.
Providing actors with avenues to take action.
Encouraging empathetic conversations around the climate crisis with diverse audiences.
Advisory Board
Our board members are committed to using their talents, skills, and unique platform to be agents of change towards climate solutions.
Our Climate Actors Advisory Board members include: